Dr. Ifra Sohail Princiapl GTCTD
Govt. Training College for Teachers of the Deaf, Gulberg-II, Lahore has the honor to be the first teacher training institution in the field of Special Education (Hearing Impairment) in Pakistan.
The institute is serving the cause by producing teachers having professional approach toward their job. The first teacher education programme offered by this institution was “Teacher of the Deaf (T.D)” the services of American Professors from Clark School for the Deaf and Northampton University were hired to start the “Teaching the Deaf” Programme in this institution. The programme was prepared by them and later on it was reviewed in 1987-88 by Professor Mrs. Robson, a renowned teacher educator from UK. The services offered by this institute are regarded marvelous and remarkable in the field of Special Education by professionals working for education, habilitation/rehabilitation and welfare of Special Education.
Present government under the dynamic and vigorous leadership is committed to provide free educational and vocational training facilities to special children on modern and scientific lines to bring them at par with the normal children and also to make them productive members of the society.