•  " Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah at GTCTD
  •  " Miss Shamim Afzal (Founder Principal after Nationalization
  •  " Foundation stone of building laid down by Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
  •  " Main building view of college
  •  "  students activities at gtctd
  •  "  students activities at gtctd
  •  "  students activities at gtctd
  •  "  students activities at gtctd
  •  "  students activities at gtctd


Government Training College for Teachers of the Deaf was established in 1952 by All Pakistan Deaf and Dumb Welfare Society All Pakistan Deaf and Dumb Welfare Society to prepare qualified teachers to fulfill the professional needs of schools for the deaf in Paksitan. The first President of the society was Dr. Naseem Hussain and General Secretary was Mr. S.A.Makhdoom. The society was established in 1948. This institute has the honor that the foundation stone of the present building was laid down by Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, Mother of Nation in 1962.

The 1st President of this society was Dr. Nasim Hussan and Secretary General was S.A Makhdoom .This Soiceit6y was established in 1948. The first teacher education programme offered by this institution was TEACHER OF THE DEAF (TD) the services of American Professors from Clark School for the Deaf of Nortthampton University were hired to start the Teaching the Deaf Programme in this institution. The Programme was prepared by them and later on it was reviewed I n 1987 -88 by Professor Mrs. Robson, a renowned teacher educator from UK.

Its services are regarded marvelous and remarkable in the field of Special Education by professionals working for education, habilitation/rehabilitation and welfare of Special Children, as it has always extended its cooperation to other institutions working in this field. This college was Nationalized by the Government of Pakistan in 1975.Mohtarama Shahmim Afzal was the 1st Principal after nationaliztion.

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Site Map

GTCTD is situated at 40-T, Gulberg II,Lahore.

Contact No.

042-99263304, 042-99263305

